Well you thought I was a bee, but there you have it. I am not a bee. I am a tortoise showing up without a shell, or a turtle, if you prefer. I like to think I know the difference, clear enough as day.
I gave that boy an axe and all he could figure out what to do with it was throw it straight into the garbage. That’s all you got, buddy? I’m like who’s gonna give up against that thing, noone now that we think about it. I clicked forward until the battery light went out and lost general track of things. You give me a light and I’ll cast some pretty strong shadows for you, strong enough to get you thinking, at least. What a guy would do with string in his pocket. Not too much.
I left for college with a raincloud over my head that rotted my clothes and made my breath smell like tangerines. Lightning I saw strike out right from the center of it, just over my head, and all I had time to do before it cracked my beetle collection in half was open my eyes just a little bit wider, like if I let more light in the information would be clearer and easier to utilize. I half expected molten asphalt to come gurgling out of the chasm it made, stinking like tar and burned hair- I even coughed. But there was only this extended moan, like a pressurized breath escaping from the lungs of a roomful of asthmatics. It rolled over our ears and set our eyebrows up high enough to balance plates on. It made our mouths peel back over the surface of our teeth. It would have reminded anyone watching from afar of dominating g-forces or waves of flame from a nuke.
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