Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Hi Anna Banana

I'm having a nice day- I woke up nice and early four times until it was about 11am, then I got up and noticed it was thundering and raining out and decided right away that I was going to read for awhile on your porch, and I watched the mama sparrow feed the kids, and when she took off to get more grub(s) after she was satisfied the big ugly monkeyman wasn't going to munch her squealing brats daddy flew up from somewhere to make sure, too. I couldn't help but to notice that the sky was nice and dark just south but clearing up to the west, so I kept looking up from my book to check the progress of the dissipating storm, wishing I'd gotten up a little earlier because I could tell I had maybe twenty minutes tops before the rain stopped, and before I knew it, it did Just as I finshed reading the one and only graphic sex scene in the book between the only two characters in the book who might actually love each other. I could see Wave 2 was on its way but there was no way I was going to wait around for it, so I scooped up the keys you left for me on the counter, grabbed the bike and zoomed on up the the bike path, feeling lazy and fat and tired but happy that the sun was still hidden. Halfway to work the drizzle set in again and, and by the time I got downtown it was really coming down but I didn't mind at all, except that I wished I'd thought to bring my contacts over to your place last night but thinking's been a slow process for me lately for some reason. Waiting at the light on Jackson a couple in their mid-thirties crept up behind me and the man said "Excuse me, but do you live here?" and I looked around me and said You mean in Chicago? "Yes." Yeah, I do. He said "Do you know where the Hancock Observatory is?" and I said "Probably at the top of the Hancock Building" and the woman laughed and I noticed she was sort of pretty, with dark hair cut in a bob slicked against her face under the rain, and the man smirked under his banana republic baseball hat and said "Yeah, I know, but can you tell me where the Hancock building is?" and I pointed at it, it was the biggest building in the skyline from where I was standing except for the building that looks exactly like the late World Trade Center buildings in New York, but then felt unsure, and looked around south to make sure there wasn't a building that obviously prooved me wrong, but I left my arm pointed at it and when I looked back I told him There it is and told him to walk up Michigan till he got to Water Tower Place at Chicago St. They both said thanks and as I rode away to Columbia in the rain I tried to sum up the character of Chicago people as seen by outsiders looking for directions, and I thought If everyone's like me then they're generally friendly and want to help, if only to reiterate to themselves how well they know their city, but they can't resist poking a little fun at foreigners with jokes at their expense, and if the foreigners have a good sense of humor about the whole thing then everybody comes out feeling good about the encounter.



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