Dan G.: Hello and welcome to Orvis, Corky. Please type in your question.
Corky: I was out fishin
Corky: I was wantin to know how to get it back

Dan G.: It's hazardous to your health.
Corky: i ought to go after that bear and shoot that thing
Corky: put them new shoes right up its backside
Corky: what sort of shoes you got?
The agent is sending you to [link to hiking shoes provided].
Corky: what do you call them things?
Corky: cleats
Corky: ought to kick that dang bear right in his face
The agent is sending you to [link to boots provided]
Dan G.: Not recommended for kicking bears though
Corky: Don't you got some kind of radar tracker or something, what can detect bears with a hook it his lip?
Dan G.: You might Google it.
Corky: that was my best dang lure
Dan G.: We do have a 25-year no-fault warranty on many of our fly rods. As long as we get some of the rod back we will repair or replace it.
Dan G.: Do you live near a Bass Pro? They carry some Orvis stuff besides all their lures.
Corky: you are saying if I jam this here fishing pole right up that bear's arse, you going to replace it for me long as I get you back the handle?

Dan G.: The warrantee is not transferable.
Dan G.: There's a saying about rods and poles that is actually historically based back in the 1800's
Corky: so how's that old saying go?

Dan G.: A Cane pole could be cut and a string and hook attached to the end.
Dan G.: Both would catch fish, but one was grown and one was built.
Dan G.: so the saying goes, "rods are built, poles are grown"
Dan G.: I think it was a bit of snobbishness from the bamboo rod builders back then, but understandable.
Dan G.: Now it only takes about 40-hours of hands on work for us to make a split bamboo rod.
Dan G.: graphite rods are much faster.
Dan G.: But ones a rod and ones a pole.
Dan G.: It's all semantics. Doesn't really matter as long as it works.

Corky: anyways
Corky: thanks just the same for all your help
Corky: I'll look into them boots and that there pole you was telling me about. have a fine day
Dan G.: And it was entertaining too!
Dan G.: Good Fishing Corky!
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