Monday, October 23, 2006

Biking Blog

Being tired is no fun, it makes everything hard. I have a very fat cat who will scratch at the door incessantly an hour or two before I have to get up. I want to turn him into domesticated sausage.

Two fancy tour buses climbed the torn up hill with me on Halsted and Chicago. When they pulled ahead of me their enormous tail pipes were at eye level, and it was hard not to think of buttholes spewing poison gas in my face. I ordered a respirator on the internet, but my friend Dominick says it's going to be pretty tough to breathe through that thing while I'm riding my bike. When I got to work there was a guy eating a sandwich in a huge truck, just idling right in front of the door. It was upwind, and the exhaust fumes were so thick I had a lot of trouble locking up my bike, which is a rather complicated operation, or at least I make it so. I kept coughing and giving him dirty looks because there was no reason for his truck to be on.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I Cannes, I. Kant

I just got back from a rally against George Bush, and boy are my ears tired.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Biking blog

Two old men walking together along the border of the marina, one of them describing something shaped like a box with his arms. I ride by and know I'll forget about him in a few minutes and never think about him again.

constantly worried about the quick release on my front wheel popping while I ride at high speed, and the wheel flying off and the forks digging into the pavement and my skull smashing. That's how my friend died.

Figured out how to hop just before a big bump or crack in the path, don't have to pull the whole bike with me but time it so my weight is up and I can still keep control

speaking from my diaphragm, I can control my speech better

organize my mind with a planner keeps thoughts in places easy to access, reduces mental clutter, able to remember things better

"What's with that guy, why is he so unfriendly?" This has been said about me multiple times. I am sorry. I pushed the taciturn thing too far. There will now be a backlash

Read about suicide again. Ug, how stupid and embarrassing. Still I can't decide what sort of thing to write?

The sensual is to ever present, it undermines my ambitions.

I have a lot to say about gender, but need to organise my thoughts on it before I talk about it again. people are starting to get the wrong idea.

Easy doesn't enter in to adult life.