I wrote this song about Goldeneye, the revolutionary video game for the N64, for my old band Plague of Yeti. It's called "Box of Goggles."
SHow me the scenery!
Find out if I stand a chance
Wrong guy but oh well!
One more victime of circumstance
I've got my PP7!
Point it at the bad guy's hat,
But before I shoot it off,
Some asshole shoots me in the back and I die!
Bond is a bad ass...
So is Natalia...
I will protect her...
Kill if I have to...
Destroy all the bad guys...
THen straighten my bow tie...
I am 007!
I am 007!
Crouch and aim respectively
Hope that nobody can hear me
One more life that i have taken!
Make sure my martini's shaken!
Down on the floor
This mission isn't over yet
Hit bad but oh well
There's armor on the parapet
My silenced PP7
Can't silence cries of agony
I don't care I enjoy it!
Noone is a threat to me!